
Showing posts with the label Fruits

Amazing Benefits of Apricot

Apricot is a good source of vitamin C,vitamin A,dietary fiber and potassium. It contains phytochemicals called carotenoids which gives red, orange and yellow colors to fruits and vegetables. The  Lycopene is one of the carotenoids,a powerful antioxidant is found in apricots. Apricot is good for Eye sight and heart health The beta carotene in apricot protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation which may lead to heart diseases and strokes. The higher beta-carotene content in apricot contributes a good source of Vitamin A to our body and it also play a vital role in keeing our heart healthy.It is a powerful antioxidant and it plays a vital role in vision health, bone growth, reproduction,immune system and in cell functions .It protects our body cells against the effects of free radicals. The degenerative effect of free radicals may lead to cataracts,damage the blood supply to the eyes and cause macular degeneration. Apricot and Iron deficiency   Helps in treating anemia whi

Health Facts about Pear

Pear is a nutrient dense fruit with vital vitamins and minerals required for our good health.It is a good source of Vitamin C and an excellent source of dietary fiber.It is  very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. Always it is good to pick the food which contains low sodium or sodium free because high intake of sodium food causes health hazards. In this case, Pear is an wonderful healthy fruit.It reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure,heart attacks and strokes. Pear(image credit deviant ) Similarly saturated fat and cholesterol are also enemies for our good health.Pears are fat free and cholesterol free.Including this kind of nutrient dense fruit reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. It contains a powerful antioxidant,Vitamin C,which is more essential for normal growth and repair and for our over all good health.It boost the immune system and protects the body against infectious diseases. It also aids in healing of cuts,wounds and bruises.

10 Must Know facts about Jackfruit

Jackfruit is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of  Carbohydrates, Vitamin C,  potassium, magnesium,   and    iron.   Health Benefits of Jack fruit 1 .  Being  rich in carbohydrates, fructose and sucrose,Jack fruits are energy boosters. 2.Jack fruit contain  powerful anti-oxidant, Vitamin C which helps to  heal cuts and wounds, keeps teeth and gums vital role in  growth and repair of all body tissues.It is  effective against respiratory health problems such as shortness of breath, asthma and cough.It  helps to strengthen the immune system function by supporting the white blood cells function.   3. Potassium   helps to  maintain healthy blood pressure  and reduces the risk of strokes. 4.  Calcium and M agnesium   in jackfruit   protects and keeps our  bones  and teeth  healthy. 5.J ackfruits  have anti-cancer properties. The phytonutrients  in jackfruit   helps to eliminate the cancer-causing free radicals from the body.