Omega-3 Brain Booster

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids commonly found in marine, plants and nut oils.OMEGA-3 cannot be synthesized by the human body and some common sources include fish oils, squid oils,other seafood including algae and krill, and some plant oils such as Sacha Inchi oil, echium oil, flaxseed oil and hemp oil.It is vital for normal metabolism and brain function. In other words,Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, necessary for human health and for normal growth and development. It reduces inflammation and lowers the risk of of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Top sources of Omega-3 fatty acids for vegetarians - linseeds,flaxseed oil and walnuts and kiwi fruit. It is considered important for cognitive and behavioral function . Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, depression, and poor circulation. “It helps to boost memory,improve learning and increase br...