10 Super Benefits of Ginger
Ginger and its benefits 1.Ginger is used as a digestive aid to treat stomach upset. 2.Ginger is very effective for treating cold,cough and Pregnancy-Related Nausea and Vomiting. 3. Ginger tea helps to cure heartburn . 4.Ginger helps to get rid of morning sickness . 5. Reduces Pain and Inflammation. G inger has anti-inflammatory properties and is a powerful natural painkiller. 6. Ginger is useful for treating menstrual disorders . 7. Ginger and Weight loss.It is effective in stimulating weight loss in obese men and women. Ginger increases metabolism – Ginger contains an acidic substance that stimulates gastric enzymes, which can aid metabolism. The better your metabolism, the more calories you will burn. 8. Ginger helps to lower cholesterol levels . Ginger 9.Ginger is used to successfully treat ovarian cancer . 10.G inger is also used for tooth pain . S...